Lindsey Byrne helps people to prevent Alzheimer’s or improve brain health and memory even with an Alzheimer’s diagnosis.
She is a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach (FMCHC) and Certified Re:CODE 2.0 Health Coach. She helps:
· people whose parents lived with dementia who’d like to work on prevention
· anyone noticing any amount of change in memory, processing, or just noticing some brain fog (maybe through menopause or long covid) who’d like to sharpen up and stay sharp and productive for their whole lives.
· Those who believe food is medicine, are determined to improve their brain health (and health in general) through natural approaches and lifestyle adjustments, who have the grit and determination to work at it but just need some support to find the best approach for them and to make it stick.
Contact details:
My website:
my facebook page:
my free to join facebook group:
my linked in page
my youtube channel
and people can email me for a free brain health guide here: