The Edinburgh Seven
Females in Medicine
‘Septem contra Edinam (Seven against Edinburgh)
The pioneers of females in medicine can be attributed, acknowledged and internationally respected to the Scottish Capital of Edinburgh.
To borrow the phrase of the well-known move ‘The Magnificent 7’, the names of the following are:
Sophia Jex-Blake
Isabel Thorne
Edith Pechey
Matilda Chaplin
Helen Evans
Mary Anderson
Emily Bovell
Who in the year 1869, with others began to study Medicine at Edinburgh University. This helped create a massive change for women and eventually lead to legislative changes in the UK Medical Act 1876, allowing women to study medicine.
This created a ripple impact, changing, believing and creating equality in this field.
In the present day we pay homage to those trailblazers who help drive this change, paving the way for more change.
The Trailblazers of today are all the females who help promote the holistic messaging of self-care, the importance of real foods for real health, the importance of trusting your gut, of following your intuition, of being present and valuing your most important asset in life, one’s health.
What will your legacy be?